Thursday, October 2, 2008

There She Goes Again

I'm old enough to remember the debate when President Carter offered a long list of statistics and with perfect timing Ronald Reagan commented, "There he goes again." I'm not a fan of Reagan, but his ability to charm the audience was impressive.

Will Sarah Six-Pack Palin be able to charm voters in her debate tonight with Joe Biden? I expect tonight's debate will have a few surprises. It won't be as scripted as debates in the past. Each candidate has the potential to make blunders. In my opinion, no one really wins the debate, but someone always loses.

Will Biden be able to control his long winded banter? Will Palin provide more material for SNL writers? 

Biden will be able answer any question. No worries there. He knows his stuff--even the political and personal trivia Palin struggled with such as financial regulation, Supreme Court decisions and favorite newspapers. I am more concerned that he will be too nice. You know, that whole gender issue. Even with the best intentions, Biden will have to balance being tough on Palin and not taking a patronizing attitude.

Not so sure about one moose-hunting hockey mom from Alaska. She's full of surprises. And based on her many gaffes in recent interviews with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric. I'm guessing instead answering questions she'll just offer generalities. Call it flip flop journalism. Palin benefits when instead of answering the question asked, she answers a question she wants to answer. And she'll be praying for divine intervention in her favor. 

If Palin keeps that sunny smile going, you might be tempted to excuse her biting comments. The same comments made by Hillary would be unfairly called "bitchy," but somehow Palin keeps the sun shining even in a thunderstorm.

Will this hockey mom win the game? With all her previous mistakes made so publicly on the network news, our expectations are pretty low. Oh yeah. She is a hockey mom and hockey moms don't like to lose.

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