Friday, October 3, 2008

She Winks, She Smiles, She Flirts, She Plans to Change the Constitution

The New Yorker (1-year)

Things that made me wonder during the VP debate...
  • In the past Gov. Sarah Palin has been criticized for repeatedly commenting that she can see Russia from her house in Alaska (see The New Yorker cover above) so I would think she would really want to get her foreign policy stuff right. Does she know that the top American commander in Afghanistan is Gen. David D. McKiernan and is not "McClellan" as she says in the debate?
  • Palin likes to wink a lot. Does Palin suffer from an eye twitch?
  • Palin ignored the questions moderator Gwen Ifill asks and instead looks directly into the camera and delivers one canned line after another. 
  • When Palin says over and over "darn right" or "you betcha" I wondered if this is really how she learned to talk in a debate? At this week's debate camp was she coached on folksy expressions?
  • Where exactly is "Eye-ran?"
  • She has said that Iran must not even be allowed to have nuclear energy. But isn't Iran a member of the IAEA and a signatory to the NPT? 
  • She called Iran's President Ahmadinejad "insane." Why did she also repeated mispronounce his name? (She says it incorrectly with a K sound exactly like McCain says it too.)
  • Did she ever answer the questions moderator Gwen Ifill asked. Oh yeah, I asked that before.
  • Why did Palin say Biden's college teacher wife will "get her reward in heaven" when she knows that Biden's first wife died tragically in a car accident.
  • Palin was well-rehearsed. She avoided the use of "um" or "uh." But she didn't seem to be thinking on her feet and responding to a question.
  • Does the McCain energy plan really just boil down to "Drill, Baby, drill?" 
  • Is Palin too power hungry for the VP slot? Palin mentioned that she wanted to take a new look at the US Constitution and make some revisions specifically in Articles I and II that are explicit in enumerating and limiting the powers of the Executive, including the Vice President.

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