Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Helicopter Parenting on the Campaign Trail

Recently Sarah Palin expressed a view on Pakistan that contradicted McCain's stand. In the world according to McCain, when the "gotcha journalists" recognized this gaffe by Palin they should have ignored the event.

Ooops. I guess the reporters didn't read "The World According to McCain." Oh well... Palin shouldn't worry, we all make a few mistakes. And last time I checked Palin was over forty and she should be old enough to not require her parents (or McCain) to bail her out. 

Why did McCain, the over-protective parent figure, tag along on the interview? Instead of letting Palin explain herself in the interview with Couric on Monday, evidently McCain felt he needed to tag along just in case she needed help. What does this rescue by McCain say about his opinion of Palin's competence and how she handles herself on foreign policy or any policy?

A joint interview with Palin and McCain is fine with me as long as they both bring something to the interview. However, in Monday's joint interview with Katie Couric, McCain appeared to be like the helicopter parent who goes to the principal's office in a weak attempt to blame others and excuse Palin's bad behavior.

In this case, McCain felt he needed to set the record straight and rescue Palin because evidently she couldn't handle the interview situation on her own. (Was he thinking about her recent train wreck of an interview with Couric?)

According to McCain, the problem is not Palin's sound byte. The "real" problem is: Gotcha journalism. 

Hmmm. I thought that was something a high profile politician should know how to handle. Couldn't Palin clarify her statement to Couric without her helicopter parent?

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