Friday, September 19, 2008

Better Not Get Really Sick If You Vote For McCain

No one wants to get sick. But it happens. If you vote for McCain, let's hope you stay healthy or only get moderately sick. But good luck if you have a pre-existing condition like cancer, arthritis, or severe food allergies. If you vote for McCain, then you better be rich enough to buy private health insurance.

McCain's solution to the health care crisis: tax rebates. Wow! Talk about blind faith in the free market. His plan might work for some of us, but what happens to the poorest people who won't benefit from a $5000 family tax rebate because they don't pay $5000 in taxes? Since administrative costs can dramatically increase on the open market, private health insurance could end up being more expensive and less generous according to the

McCain wants more competition between private health insurers. He wants to bring down the cost of health care by having individuals/families shop for their own insurance. McCain would give direct refundable tax credits to individuals to offset the cost of buying private insurance. But inorder to keep the costs down for the insurance companies, the "human price" of moving to private insurance will be that some people with pre-existing conditions like cancer would be denied insurance by private insurance companies. Corporations would be less likely to offer health insurance benefits because McCain's plan would eliminate the current tax exclusion for health care benefits. McCain has mentioned some plan requiring individual states develop plans to help those with pre-existing conditions, but I haven't seen the details on this. Makes me wonder if under his plan, those under-insured people will then be forced to move just to find the best state health care.

Obama would increase federal regulations while still giving consumers more options like private insurance. His plan would set up a new national health plan to cover everyone so no one would fall between the cracks. To help pay for it he would tax large corporations that do not provide health insurance. Obama's plan would include private insurance plans with increased federal regulation to ensure coverage to everyone, at consistent prices and include those with pre-existing conditions. Private insurance plans under Obama's plan would feel the pressure to offer the same generous benefits as the government-run plan. The cons? This would lead to higher premiums for private insurance. How would the uninsured fare under Obama's plan? Much better. Sometimes children--the most vulnerable--are the ones who lack appropriate care because under current plans they are not insured. By mandating health coverage for all children, Obama's health plan would improve the health care of children. Obama's plan is expected to reduce the number of unisured people by 18 million in the first year according to the Tax Policy Center.

It's ironic that under McCain's health plan, McCain himself would not be covered. Under his plan insurance companies do not have to cover individuals with pre-existing conditions like melanoma and breast cancer. 

Elizabeth Edwards forcefully denounced the McCain health care proposal during yesterday's House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing.

"Sen. McCain and I have something in common, and that is neither one of us would be insured under his health care plan...If you're 55 with cancer...good luck to you," said Elizabeth Edwards during the hearing according to The Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report.

To read a detailed comparison of the McCain and Obama health care plans, check out this link in the

Elizabeth Edwards talks health care on Capital Hill during a House subcommittee hearing on health care reform.


Jen said...

I like the tone of your blog. Meaty and issues oriented. I needed some comfort food like that to stoke up for a long look through McCain's health care plan.

On Da Road said...

Interesting .. It would be nice if they actually had a debate where they could answer our most important questions (healthcare, economy, foreign relations), side by side for all of us to hear.